Straight outta the Sunshine Coast is the youngest member of Team AWE, Julian Wilson.
Known best for his impressive surfing winning streak which started as far back as 2006 with the ISA World Junior Title, and becoming the youngest ever recipient of the Surfer Poll award for “Best Performance of the Year” for his part in Quicksilver’s Young Guns III. His resume continues on with such notables as the Triple Crown Rookie of the Year Title in 2010 and taking 1st in the Nike US Open of Surfing – ASP Prime in 2012. Julian has also released his own signature film called “Scratching the Surface” and is an ambassador for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Here’s Julian, turning heads down under with his B8 S4 Avant sporting the AWE Audi B8 S4 Exhaust, with Polished Silver Tips.